Sunday, May 5, 2013

Science v. Religion

People have an eternal debate over which side should people believe in, Religion or Science. 

The interesting thing is that both go hand in hand. There is no conflict between the two, in fact the Church has had great scientists. 

Fr. Nicolas Copernicus: Early Astronomer, credited with the first sighting of Jupiter.

Br. George Mendel: Father of Modern Genetics

Fr. Georges Lemaître: First person to ever talk about the 'Big Bang' theory to Einstein, before the Theory of Relativity.

Br. Roger Bacon: Credited with publishing the Scientific Method

Pope Francis: Master's Degree in Chemistry

Fr. Solanus Casey: Only known man to ever beat Babe Ruth at Baseball

Br. Andrew Gordon, O.S.B; Fr. Eugenio Barsanti; Fr. Ànyos Jedik: Credited for work on Internal Combustion Engines and Electric Powered Motors

Louis Pasteur: Disproved chemical Spontaneous combustion; devout Catholic, constant devotion to Mary

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