Saturday, May 11, 2013

No one is a Bum.

Christ calls all people to love their neighbors. Homeless people are no exception. They too are children of God and members of the Body of Christ. Therefore we should reach out to struggling members of the community with the same love and affection we would show our own family. By ignoring the homeless we are ignoring the plight of our brothers and sisters in Christ.
We must help the homeless with our deeds and our charity. In the video at the end of this segment a man describes his hardships associated with being homeless. People criticize him and tell him to get a job when they themselves would not give him a job. We must learn to love our neighbors no matter what they look like or how successful they are.
All people, including the homeless have the same dignity in the eyes of Christ. And since we are called to be like Christ, we too must see all poeple with the same dignity. 

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