Monday, May 20, 2013

The Call of the Holy

We are all called to be Holy by God, and by the Church instituted by His Son. 

Why should we care in the first place?
To reach Paradise in the 'after-life' we must do good and be generous in this life, those teachings were given to us by Jesus Christ and the Father. 

What if we simply don't care or don't follow those teachings?
In short, you'll be stuck in perpetual and eternal torture and destruction, from which you seem to die, but only to return to the same torture and pain. 

Where does the aforesaid pain come from?
God. Every time you do, think, or even wonder to do something against the Church, you deny Christ. If you fully deny Christ and God, then you choose to go the other way, which ends up being pain and torture because you denied the Creation of yourself and the rest of existence. No matter what you do, you cannot escape God, if you deny Him, you will never escape Him, and you will end up being your own tormentor. 

To evade such fate, what should we do?
It's quite simple actually, all you have to do is follow Christ's teachings and the Father's Commandments. For us humans, this seems a little harder than it should be because of the effects and consequences of Original Sin, including concupiesensce. To avoid all the objectively 'bad stuff', we should remain ordered towards God and also evangelize using your actions, using words only when necessary.