Monday, April 15, 2013

Life after Death

What happens after life on Earth?

Many people have asked that question, but no living man has found the answer. 
With God, nothing is impossible. 
According to the Church, there are 3 states of the Communion of Saints (ALL Christians: Past, Present, and Future). The states are the Church Militant, the Church Suffering, and the Church Triumphant. The Church Suffering are those saints (ordinary Christians; all are saints because of our holy calling by Christ) in purgatory, waiting for their moment of complete holiness and entry into Heaven. The Church Triumphant are those saints who have entered the Gates of Heaven and rejoicing with God. Finally, the Church Militant is those saints still physically alive on Earth, walking towards and striving to become part of the Church Triumphant when their time comes. 

Now, do all Christians, and only Christians go to Heaven? 
No. Those who lived a Christ-like life, and some how lived out the values of a devout, honest Christian are those who enter the Church Triumphant.

Who goes to Hell?
Those who deny God. 
As part of the Church, all have to make decisions. We have free will (it's part of our nature as 'composite beings': Will, Intellect, and a Capacity to Love), which means that we can freely choose God in All things, or not. A sin, venial or mortal: small or large, is an action against God, and therefore against the Church's teachings. The more you sin, the more you deny God with your whole being (Mind, Body, and Soul). When your time with the Militant Church ends, all non-reconciled sins shall be accounted for and your final resting place shall be based on that. 
(A way to end this practically impossible task of never sinning is being with God. "Nothing is impossible for God" Truly apologize and reform your relationship with God, and great things will await you.)

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