Saturday, May 18, 2013

Being Men Fully Alive

The Glory of God is Man Fully Alive.

We hear a lot during Theology, but what does it truly mean?

The Glory of God: The magnificent respect, reverence and worship towards God; the eternal, omnipresent, and ever-loving being that created us.

Man Fully Alive: If man was supposed to have a purpose in life, what would it be? Many have tried to justify and define this, but the most well known person is St. Augustine. He came to the conclusion that our hearts are restless until they rest in the father, the Creator. 

How are we supposed to reach the Father in Heaven if we are fallen beings? 
God is Love, and He loves us so much he even sacrificed His own Son for our lowly and undeserving sake. This sacrifice caused our magnificence as the pinnacle of physical creation higher. We had always had the option to choose Him or against, but now we had the help of a teacher, both Human and Divine: within the Mystery of the Incarnation and the Belief of the Hypostatic Union. 

His plan for us is to choose Him in our whole being, which in theory is not hard to do, but because of Original Sin and our concuipicense, we are disordered toward sin and we naturally find harder to find God in our path. All He asks us to do is follow the teachings of His Son and be a full, participating part of the Church. The Church that us instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Apostles, and then, through Apostolic Succession, handed down through the ages until today. 

So if the Glory of God is Man Fully Alive, then the magnificence and full splendor of God is Man, the pinnacle of Physical Creation, Fully and Completely fulfiling their purpose to pick up their cross and follow Christ. 

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