Friday, April 5, 2013

Subjectivity of Love

During the past week, and now that we are in the Easter season, I have been thinking about Love. Most of you may know the saying 'God is Love', which is true, because out of Love all is created, including offspring for the continuation of Life. But more importantly, is Love subjective?

For that, we need to know what we really mean by saying something is subjective. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines subjective as characteristic of or belonging to reality as perceived rather than as independent of mind.  This means that something subjective belongs to reality, it is not superficial and did not come out of someone's imagination.

So, lets rephrase the question, Does Love belong to reality?; Is Love superficial?

The answer is No. In human terms, love is an attraction, a feeling, a thought that holds the power to override any decision or action that a person makes. It is an incomprehensible force that can and will change lives. Love can seen only through its effects, but never in its simple existence. Those who are in love and their actions are the visible effects of Love, but it is not the Complete existence of Love, unconditional.

The only being capable of Unconditional Love is God, and He has showed us this throughout history, since our creation, to our salvation until today, and forever will. God loves us, no matter what happens to us or what we do, if we go back to Him, we will recognize His Love. The extent of His love is infinite, but to put it into physical human terms, it can be seen on the Crucifix. The image of Christ's brutal, inhumane Death is an example of just how much He loves us.

As for us, Love remains invisible, it will still affect us, and that incomprehensible force will always have its hold on our beings.

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