Monday, May 20, 2013

The Call of the Holy

We are all called to be Holy by God, and by the Church instituted by His Son. 

Why should we care in the first place?
To reach Paradise in the 'after-life' we must do good and be generous in this life, those teachings were given to us by Jesus Christ and the Father. 

What if we simply don't care or don't follow those teachings?
In short, you'll be stuck in perpetual and eternal torture and destruction, from which you seem to die, but only to return to the same torture and pain. 

Where does the aforesaid pain come from?
God. Every time you do, think, or even wonder to do something against the Church, you deny Christ. If you fully deny Christ and God, then you choose to go the other way, which ends up being pain and torture because you denied the Creation of yourself and the rest of existence. No matter what you do, you cannot escape God, if you deny Him, you will never escape Him, and you will end up being your own tormentor. 

To evade such fate, what should we do?
It's quite simple actually, all you have to do is follow Christ's teachings and the Father's Commandments. For us humans, this seems a little harder than it should be because of the effects and consequences of Original Sin, including concupiesensce. To avoid all the objectively 'bad stuff', we should remain ordered towards God and also evangelize using your actions, using words only when necessary.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Christ in the Temple of David for the First Time

Animal Abuse

Many people are confused as to what the roles of animals are in this God created world. It says in Genesis that we will have power over all the creatures that crawl about the earth. Some people use this as an excuse to abuse animals. However a further examination of scripture will prove that not only is this not the case, but it is our responsibility to take care of the world which God created.
Genesis 1:28 “And God blessed them. And God said to them ‘Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
A further examination of the original text will tell us that the word thought to mean dominion, meant steward. A steward is care taker, of which we all are for the world around us. We must care for it and nurture it as God entrusted to us.

Mission Work

Every human person has a divine calling, or vocation, to go out and serve Christ in various ways. Some are called to the priesthood, some are called to public service, and others are called elsewhere. However some are called to the awesome work of the missionary. A Missionary is a person sent on a religious mission. Most commonly we associate it with going out to impoverished area of the world to help the people there and to spread God’s word. There is nothing more holy than fully serving Christ in this type of work.
Matthew 28:19”Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father. and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

How to be Man Fully Alive

The glory of God is Man Fully Alive. Well what does that mean? Man fully alive is each individual person living out their vocation as fully as possible. This is possible through the sacraments and the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit.  However in order to be man fully alive, we must embrace these gifts from God. This is found in abstaining from sin, and living a Holy life.
The Glory of God is the earthly embodiment of Himself. The earthly embodiment of himself is the Church. The Church is only a group of people. Therefore the glory of God is members of his church living to their fullest potential. As Christ said in Revelation 3:16”So, because you are lukewarm -neither hot nor cold- I will vomit you out of my mouth”. Thus Christ calls all of us to be the best that we can be.

Being Men Fully Alive

The Glory of God is Man Fully Alive.

We hear a lot during Theology, but what does it truly mean?

The Glory of God: The magnificent respect, reverence and worship towards God; the eternal, omnipresent, and ever-loving being that created us.

Man Fully Alive: If man was supposed to have a purpose in life, what would it be? Many have tried to justify and define this, but the most well known person is St. Augustine. He came to the conclusion that our hearts are restless until they rest in the father, the Creator. 

How are we supposed to reach the Father in Heaven if we are fallen beings? 
God is Love, and He loves us so much he even sacrificed His own Son for our lowly and undeserving sake. This sacrifice caused our magnificence as the pinnacle of physical creation higher. We had always had the option to choose Him or against, but now we had the help of a teacher, both Human and Divine: within the Mystery of the Incarnation and the Belief of the Hypostatic Union. 

His plan for us is to choose Him in our whole being, which in theory is not hard to do, but because of Original Sin and our concuipicense, we are disordered toward sin and we naturally find harder to find God in our path. All He asks us to do is follow the teachings of His Son and be a full, participating part of the Church. The Church that us instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Apostles, and then, through Apostolic Succession, handed down through the ages until today. 

So if the Glory of God is Man Fully Alive, then the magnificence and full splendor of God is Man, the pinnacle of Physical Creation, Fully and Completely fulfiling their purpose to pick up their cross and follow Christ. 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Love your neighbor, not his Deeds.

All Catholics are called to emulate Christ. Christ was perfectly just with his actions and in his judgement  However regular humans are not. therefore it is the goal of each person and the church to strive for perfection. We can achieve most closely perfection through communion with each other and with Christ. Therefore it is our duty to God and neighbor to assist them in their pursuit of holiness. Therefore we must kind to our neighbors and love them as ourselves. In order to do this we must also hold them accountable for their actions.
Christ does not allow sin and thus we must do the same. we must tell our neighbors when they sin and not approve of it. for example, the Church does not bar homosexuals from its rankings, but it does not condone the activity. we must love our neighbors, but we must not let them sin.